How to set up a git bare repository for web development code pushes

Hi all, let’s consider that you already have your nice local development environment in which you develop your projects. At some point you’ll want to get to get that project on a public server to share with friends, clients or maybe customers. And of course, since you’re using a version control, you want an easy way of pushing updates to that server. An easy way to do this, is set up a git bare repo on your server....

08 February, 2019 · 2 min · 360 words · Alexandru Bucur

How to enable dotnet watch in Jetbrains Raider

Hi guys, while working on my pet API project in C# and .NET Core I realized that I miss having the debugger ‘watch’ for file changes. The standard way of doing this in .NET Core 2.0 is to setup dotnet-watch . It seems that starting with .NET Core 2.1 this step isn’t going to be necessary, so one less step to do. Until then you can follow the official tutorial for setting up dotnet-watch....

08 February, 2019 · 1 min · 205 words · Alexandru Bucur