Experimenting a bit with mashed potatoes. Oven baked potatoes, beet

Experimenting a bit with mashed potatoes. Oven baked potatoes, beet roots and carrots, then mashed them together with milk and some mozzarella cheese. Added some pickled beet so it has a nice contrast with the sweeter mash. Last but not least two types of sausages cooked on the grill on top of the potatoes that hug the veggies.

11 April, 2019 · 1 min · 58 words · Alexandru Bucur

It's raining with spring garlic over the cheesy potatoes land.

It’s raining with spring garlic over the cheesy potatoes land. You can see here and there the pork trees growing happily.

06 April, 2019 · 1 min · 21 words · Alexandru Bucur

3 color #rice (integral, wild and basmati) with baby peas

3 color (integral, wild and basmati) with baby peas and carrots. Chicken tights slices and oven grilled.

01 March, 2019 · 1 min · 17 words · Alexandru Bucur

The pastry didn't grow as much as I hoped but

The pastry didn’t grow as much as I hoped but I think they’re still pretty. Filled them with a pork, mushroom, chickpeas and spring onions

24 February, 2019 · 1 min · 25 words · Alexandru Bucur

First time I ever made #couscous where have you been

First time I ever made where have you been all my life. 5 minute cooking OMG. Just a touch of turmeric and some chicken wings marinade in some tomato sauce with a touch of milk

24 January, 2019 · 1 min · 35 words · Alexandru Bucur

Oven baked chicken fingers with breadcrumb / milk mix and

Oven baked chicken fingers with breadcrumb / milk mix and broccoli and cauliflower side. Added a touch of vanilla cinnamon to the sauce and so far so good.

16 January, 2019 · 1 min · 28 words · Alexandru Bucur

Nothing says vegetarian rulade more than chicken and sausages. #homecooking

Nothing says vegetarian rulade more than chicken and sausages.

22 December, 2018 · 1 min · 9 words · Alexandru Bucur

moussaka with a touch of bacon and millet to make

moussaka with a touch of bacon and millet to make the sauce a bit thicker.

18 December, 2018 · 1 min · 15 words · Alexandru Bucur

Trying to learn to roll pastry. Still on the flour,

Trying to learn to roll pastry. Still on the flour, semolina, corn flour mix. Made a quick mustard sauce for the pork filling

13 December, 2018 · 1 min · 23 words · Alexandru Bucur

Oven backed chicken with flour, corn flour and semolina with

Oven backed chicken with flour, corn flour and semolina with a touch of egg and a quick pan vegetable mix

11 December, 2018 · 1 min · 20 words · Alexandru Bucur