Systemctl shows service file Not Found even though .service file is present

Hi All, I’m writing a step by step setup for a self hosted gitea instance (on CentOS 7) and hit the stupidest bug (if you can call it that) of systemd. After writing the gitea service file I was getting the following error: 1 2 [root@gitea ~]# systemctl start giteaselfhost Failed to start giteaselfhost.service: Unit not found. After a few hours of maddening permission checks and debugging, the problem was that I had a Requires dependency to a service file that wasn’t there....

17 June, 2019 · 1 min · 104 words · Alexandru Bucur

ps aux output in cronjobs

Hello there, Going trough an ad-hoc cronjob for checking an existing process I’ve hit a weird case that the command itself was working well when ran from the terminal, but failed miserabely when the cronjob ran it. The command was something along the lines of: 1 ps aux | grep 'php artisan a_specific_command --with-some-long-parameters-that were generated' | grep -v grep The thing that I’ve completely forgotten is that by default ps’s output is limited by the number of $COLUMNS....

22 September, 2018 · 1 min · 161 words · Alexandru Bucur